घरपरिचयनौकरी प्रोफाइलबजटक्रियाएँउपलब्धियांगैलरीसाइटमैपG2G Loginमुख्य पृष्ठ     View in English    
  मोबाइल पशु चिकित्सा एम्बुलेंस के माध्यम से घरद्वार पर आपातकालीन निःशुल्क पशु चिकित्सा सेवाओं का लाभ उठाने के लिए, 1962 (टोल फ्री) पर संपर्क करें।    
मुख्य मेन्यू
संगठनात्मक व्यवस्था
सामान्य सूचना
संस्थान का विवरण
विभागीय फार्म
सूचना का अधिकार (आरटीआई)
स्टाफ स्थिति
टेलीफ़ोन डाइरेक्टरी
शिकायत प्रकोष्ठ
भर्ती एवं पदोन्नति नियम
निविदा सूचना
हि० प्र० स्टेट वेटनरी कौंसिल
हि० प्र० पैरा- वेटनरी कौंसिल
राज्य पशु कल्याण बोर्ड
अन्य मुख्य लिंक्स
विभागीय लोगो
हि० प्र० गौसेवा आयोग
सब्सिडी योजनाओं के लिए आवेदन करें
लम्पी चमड़ी रोग
हमसे सम्पर्क करें
बाल काटना का तरीका

Sheep & Wool Development/Mode of shearing

Sheep breeders of Chamba, Kangra and Kullu Districts are doing three shearing per annum i.e. First during February – March, Second during June – July, and third during October – November where as in other district two shearing are being practiced i.e. during February – April and September to November.
Shearing is being done with the help of locally made hand sheep shearer. As stated earlier sheep are shorn twice even thrice in most of the areas, but October clip is the best but lacking in staple length due to out dated shearing practices. The professional breeders are themselves trained in handling and shearing of sheep. No extra hand or class exists as such which do the job of shearing. Many sheep breeders who own large flock do engage outside shearers and generally give them fleece of one sheep on shearing 10-12 sheep. Sheep of Himachal Pradesh produce very lustrous wool of medium quality. It is good in combing and can be easily spun to make uniform thread other characteristics in general are –
  • Staple length 13-14 cm
  • Fiber diameter 28-34 microns
  • Modulation 20-25 %
The annual greasy wool production of an adult indigenous sheep is .7 – 1.0 kg in female and .9 – 1.1 kg in male sheep, whereas annual wool production of exotic Rambouillet / Russian Merino breeds is 2.5-3.0 Kg. A major part of wool from indigenous sheep is consumed in traditional village industry to make Kambals. HP Wool Fed. is providing training to sheep breeders in Machine shearing. Sheep breeders are also being provided facility of machine shearing under various projects being run by the Wool Fed.
मुख्य पृष्ठ|उपकरणों का विवरण|प्रकाशन एवम दिशा निर्देश|डाउनलोड और प्रपत्र|कार्यक्रम और योजनाएं|सफल कहानियाँ |नीतियाँ|प्रशिक्षण और सेवाएँ|रोग
Visitor No.: 11234197   Last Updated: 06 May 2023