कृषिपशुपालनमत्स्य पालनबागवानीविशेषज्ञ सलाहकारडाउनलोड     View in English    
  AGRISNET पोर्टल में आपका स्वागत है    पशुपालकों के सहायतार्थ टोल फ्री नंबर:- 1800 180 8006    
{मुख्य मेन्यू}
एग्रिस्नेट के बारे में
उपकरणों का विवरण
कार्यक्रम और योजनाएं
दिशा निर्देश और प्रकाशन
डाउनलोड और प्रपत्र
बाजार की जानकारी
अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न
महत्वपूर्ण लिंक
कृषि मोबाइल पोर्टल
kinnaur sirmaur shimla solan lahul & spiti kullu mandi bilaspur hamirpur una kangra chamba
हिमाचल प्रदेश के एग्रिस्नेट पोर्टल में आपका स्वागत है

हिमाचल प्रदेश कृषि विभाग के आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है "We reiterate our commitment & responsibility for rapid economic upliftment of farming community of the state through planned agriculture development.Our strategy for future would be towards sustainable agriculture & production, improvement in productivity and quality"

Dr. Y.S.Parmar Kisan Swarozgar Yojna

Production of Cash Crops through Adoption of Precision Farming Practices in Poly-Houses Diversification of agriculture through Mircoirrigation
With the advancement of science and tecnology,it is possible to get assured income by growing cash crop under producted condition. But,by and large small and marginal farmers are resource poor and socio-economically weak. With a view to increase socio-economic conditions of small and marginal farmers and provide gainful employment to rural youths and local artisans and other workers etc.Project on "Production of vegetables under Protected Cultivation" renamed as Dr.Y.S.Parmar Kisan Swarozgar Yojna shall be implemented .The project shall be implemented in all the Districts keeping in view the potential in each district. As per need of farming community, project is being implemented in all the districts of the Pradesh. District-wise and component-wise targets have been fixed. Estimates for the guidance of project implementation agency and farmers have been prepared by considering all aspects like topography, soils, crops to be grown, type of water creation/water augmentation structures to be constructed for irrigation. Unit cost for each project component has been worked out and accordingly admissibility of project assistance has been determined. The costs of items to be used in the Micro-Irrigation systems have been approved.

Biogas Development Programmes


Tea Development


Agricultural Marketing


Seed Potato Development


This is 100% Centrally Sponsored Schemes under which Rs. 7,000 is provided as subsidy on Biogas Plants upto 1 cubic meter and more than 1 cubic meter the subsidy is Rs.11,000.

Total area under Tea is 2,312 hectares. The Department is disseminating the latest production technology of tea cultivation to the tea growers.

This is regulated in the State through new APMC Act, The H.P.Agricultural and Horticultural Produce Marketing (Development and Regulation) Act, 2005.

The Department owns 13 Potato Development Stations where Foundation Seed Potato is produced. More area is being diversified towards cash crops and market maximum potato as table produce.

Visitor No.: 10872083   Last Updated: 06 May 2023